Buy this magazine....only available at Wal-mart. Turn to page 159. Clip the five coupons on that page. Buy all these packages of Kool Aid. I spent $3.00 on 15 packages [5 for $1] And get all this for FREE!!!
Wow, great deal -- I will have to check that out!! Next time you're at WM be sure and get the Sept 15 issue of Women's World with the CTMH ads in it!! :-)
Sweet, I know I will be close to a Walmart tomorrow will have to check this out... :-)
Thanks for the tip, any way I can save money is a good way!!
Wow Sandra, you really know how to shop!!! I might have to brave Walmart this week-end.
Thanks for the tip,
Tracy in AR
Wow, great deal -- I will have to check that out!! Next time you're at WM be sure and get the Sept 15 issue of Women's World with the CTMH ads in it!! :-)
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